Saturday, September 15, 2012

Jean Wells New Book

I bought Jean Wells new book, Journey to Inspired Art Quilting. I just love it. I read through it right away and was really inspired. I've been working on some drawings and ideas but haven't started anything from those yet. When I saw a picture in her book of a chair cover she made, my first thought was that it would make great pillows for my living room. I've been looking for pillows for a long time and just haven't found anything that wowed me enough to spend money. So this isn't my original idea or color scheme but it is just the sort of project I need at this point in my life. Something to keep my mind and hands busy so that I don't have to really think while life around me goes out of control. 

I set out just making strip sets and what I think of as doors units. Then I put it all together in a square for the pillow. This was also great practice in sewing free hand cut curves. I feel a lot more confident sewing these now. I also practiced sewing in narrow strips.

Here are a couple of close-ups of the quilting.

 I would really suggest getting Jeans new book. (Her first one was really good also) She starts you out with getting ideas and inspiration and growing them into a quilt.  Where to look for ideas and color inspiration. She shows you how she came up with the concept for one of her quilts from start to finish. I know my writing doesn't do the book justice.

Now I just need to think of some hand work to take with me to Mass General in Boston when Gary goes in for surgery. I know from experience, I'm better off having something to keep my hands busy while I'm waiting!