Saturday, February 20, 2010

Some more Snow Dyed Fabric

The Fiber Divas met last Wednesday. It was fun. Anita showed off some larger pieces that she had snow dyed. It made me want to try my hand at dyeing some larger pieces. I always stick to fat quarters when I dye and there are times I wish I had more. Here are a couple of 1 yard pieces.

I froze the fabric before covering it in snow and then dyeing it. The snow was very wet, so I packed it down on tip of the fabric. I don't know if that had anything to do with how "crackled" these came out.

I'm having so much fun doing this that I did a couple more pieces yesterday. They are down in the basement sink soaking. By the time I finished work yesterday and got everything ready to dye, I was out in the dark collecting snow. I was hoping I didn't scoop up any doggy surprises! I will post pictures of the fabric when I get them.

I love the colors and the patterning of these but I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them. Dyeing them is addicting. I enjoy painting and dyeing fabric just as much as quilting with them. Has anyone made anything with their snow dyed fabric?

1 comment:

Karabiner said...

You know what you'll do with them. You will do the same thing you always do with them. You will put them away until I design something and end up using all your dyed fabrics up :)
Love you. These look awesome! Can't wait to use them for something :)