I went to make the label for the quilt I need to send in for the Quilting Arts calendar contest and couldn't find the fabric I have that's ready to be printed on. I reorganized my whole sewing area last fall and put it somewhere where it could lay flat. Well, it is still there. where ever there is. I tore everything apart looking for it. I finally got out the Bubble Jet Set 2000 that I bought a couple of years ago but have never used. I have a piece of fabric drying and am hoping it works. I really wanted to get this sent out tomorrow morning before I have to go into work.

This is the finished piece that I have been working on. I'm not sure that I will keep the 3 beads on the bottom of the gold. I really wanted to find an interesting twig or piece of bark or something. On the outside edge, I ended up putting on some reeds that I bought in the Wal-Mart floral department. I still haven't decided if I will hang it as is or frame it. I left the top reed longer on both sides so I could hang the piece from the reed. If I decide to frame it, I can just cut the reeds off.
Very nice, very artistic! I love the colors, design, leaf imprinting, and especially the reeds around the edges. Hope they pick yours as one of the 12!
It's beautiful!
This is a great piece. I love all the different textures and wonderful colors.
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