Saturday, November 01, 2008

Kara's Quilt's

Time sure has flown by. I've managed to stay home for 2 months now. I'm feeling much better and have started to figure out our new computer. I still need to get a photo program onto this computer so I can manipulate them. I can't find the CD with the program I used on the other computer. Don't know if it would work on this computer if I did find it. Maybe it's time to look into a photo program that does more. I wanted to get Photoshop Elements for a while. Will have to look into it.

Here are some pictures of 2 quilts that Kara did while I was in the hospital. This first one is a small one that started out postcard size and ended up a little bigger. Kara made this for her music teacher. Last year was the teacher's last year at the high school and all the kids loved her. The picture shows the instrument toss that was held at the end of each school year during the end of year party. The kids would toss instruments that were damaged beyond repair and see who could toss them the farthest. Don't know how that got started. Kara made this while I was in the hospital so I never got to see the actual piece. I did recieve quite a few calls at the hospital asking questions while she was making it.
This is the quilt that Kara made as a project for AP U.S. History. Instead of writing a report, the kids had to make a project that showed off what they learned on their topic. Kara's topic was women during the Civil War and the ways that they helped the war effort which included making quilts. There was a lot more to her research than that. I started helping her with the quilt before I got sick and then the ladies from my quilt group stepped in and helped Kara finish up the project. We were so grateful to them! Kara probably wouldn't have finished it if they hadn't helped.

Kara plans on using this as her bedspread at college next year. I can't believe in less than a year she'll be gone!! I know I've got to let her go but it is hard!! She's looking at colleges in New York state and the one she really wants to go to is in western NY. At least Gary's brother and his famly live in the town there.

I have been busy creating. I have 3 small collage type quilts I'm working on. Just haven't finished anything yet. I get an idea and start it and then something new pops in my head and I go off in a new direction. At this point I'm allowing myself to play and have fun and not worry if it takes me forever to finish something. Last Saturday I took a class from Jane Balshaw. It was another color theory class. I really tired myself out but I had a blast doing it.
That's one of the frustrating things. Even though I feel much better, I still get really tired. Well, I'd better get moving. The kids will be home soon. Kara took Alex with her to help out with setting the lighting up for the school play. The play director told Gary that Alex was welcome to help out anytime he wanted even though he's only in Jr High. Kara offered to take him today, so off they went. We're lucky that Kara and Alex are so close and get along so well - most of the time!!!


Vicki W said...

Great work Kara!!

antique quilter said...

what a great quilt
good for her! nice of your friends to step in and help her.
My DD also is very interested in a school in NY State! Skidmore.
she is a junior as well.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful!! But I caution you about taking it to college. I made a quilt in high school that I took to college and it became very worn because of sitting on it in the dorm room. There are very few place to sit and your bed is always being used by you or friends. Keep it at home at least through the dorm years!