Our application for the puppy was accepted. This is Ginger. We will be picking her up next Saturday. I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas!!! I don't know how I will make it until Saturday! The rescue society we went through is from Maine and they rescue dogs from shelters in Arkansas. So when we pick Ginger up she will have been travelling for 3 days on a USDA transport with a truckload of other dogs and puppies.
She is somewhere around 4-5 months old. It's amazing how much you forget about training a puppy. I picked up a book to review obedience training and crate training.

I had a blast at the World Quilt and Textile Show. I'm not going to post any pictures from it because of all the problems with copyright. Better safe than sorry. When I get further along, I will post a picture of the quilt I made from the class with Linda Cantrell.
Thursday, I drove down to Manchester and took my time going through the show. I ran into Carmen from my art quilt group. It was nice to go throught the show with someone. Usually I go to shows by myself. I found the exhibit by the Seacoast Association of Fiber Artists very interesting. The quilts from the UK got my attention. I'm not really sure why. I was hoping to get back and look at them again but didn't get the chance.
There was another exhibit of smaller art quilts that Carmen and I really liked. I can't find my brochure so I can't find out who did it. When I do find the brochure I will put down who did the exhibit.
That night I had planned on doing some sewing up in my room while I had no kids or husband who wanted my attention but my allergies made me so tired that I went to bed early!!! How pitiful that was!!! So much for my plans.
The next morning, I had room service, something we never do. Since I was by myself, I figured I might as well eat breakfast in my room watching tv instead of eating by myself in the restaurant.
"Still Life with Bottles" with Linda Cantrell started at 9. It was a fun class and I really enjoyed it. She talked about her quilts and showed how she made them and went over the applique technique that she uses. Then let us go and encouraged us to go ahead and start cutting bottle shapes out of the freezer paper without drawing patterns first. She said she used to have patterns for this class but wanted people to make their own design so she stopped having the pattern available. She was there if we needed help but let us go at it. What's really funny is as much as I hate hand quilting, I really love to do hand applique and find it relaxing.
The class ended at 4 and I had to head home. I was really tempted not to return home!!
I never found a website for her but if you go to this address you will go to a page with the classes she taught. Go to the description of "Still Life with Bottles" you can get to pictures of her bottle quilts.
Still need to learn how to do links! I don't know why but for some reason this started double spacing. I really hate using Gary's laptop. It tends to do some funky things on me but it's the only place I could down load Gingers picture from since it is no longer up on the rescue site.
One of the things I bought at the show was a kit for making silk paper or cloth. I had today off and played with that. It is fun. Will have to do some more playing with it.